If you’re a Nissan fan, you should sit down before watching this video.

In the video below you’re about to get a glimpse of a place that until just a few years ago wasn’t open to the public. Nissan’s Zama Heritage Collection is the Nissan museum fans of the brand should go out of their way to see. You have to go through an application process to get inside, and there are restrictions surrounding your visit, but jumping through those hoops is completely worth it considering the cars kept inside, as you’re about to see.

JDM Masters gives us a good taste for what Nissan’s Zama Heritage Collection. It’s impossible to highlight each one in a 27-minute video, which is all the more reason to get a plane ticket to Japan and have a nice little visit.

There’s something for everyone in the collection. It starts with the very earliest Nissan, Tama, Datsun, and Prince cars fully restored and looking impressive. Of course, there is a healthy number of Nissan Skyline GT-R models, Fairlady cars like the Nissan 300ZX, motorsports models, and pretty much everything else you could imagine.

The cars in this collection don’t just all look shiny and complete, each one runs excellently. Nissan takes some of the vehicles to shows around the world, which helps educate the uninitiated about the heritage of the company.

Electric cars like the Nissan LEAF are made in a different part of the same facility, which is an interesting contrast with this Heritage Collection. The fact Nissan carved out a big, and well-kept section for historical models shows how dedicated the company is to preserving its past.  

And while you’re visiting Japan, swing by Yokohama to visit the Nissan Engine Museum and Guest Hall. Open to the public Monday through Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm, the building has an impressive lineup of 28 engines on display, as well as miniature cars, mechanical exhibits, and even explanations about the robots used on car assembly lines.